World of Warcraft
The Carana Chronicles
Arc I
Assault on the Ravenholdte
Chapter I
Fight of the Wanderer
The land in Hillsbrad Foothills were silent, especially around Durnholde Keep, the prized lair of the Syndicate. The Syndicate worked out their crimes without any intrusion. That was, until that one eventful day, three weeks after the Lich King's invasion began.
If the Watchguard's at the beginning of the keep had not enjoyed the last night with heavy drinking, they may have seen Carana the Wanderer approaching unaware of them. That is unaware until he came within thirty feet, at which point they saw him, and charged.
As they charged, a tremor in the land shifted. A being of pure shadow-a voidwalker-came up behind the Syndicate, one of whom turned to deal with the demon. The other two charged at Carana.
Carana un-sheathed a sword, a beautiful broadsword, and swung. The first strike he parried, then the second and third. As the two Syndicate attacked Carana, their companion was steadily losing ground. It was over like that. The voidwalker slashed his long fingers through the mans face. Carana decapitated one foe, then turned to face the second. His hands become a dark mist, and his foe was blasted with demonic energy.
"I hate the Syndicate, you know, Thoktaz?" Carana grimaced as he cleaned off his blade.
The voidwalker Thoktaz made what could only be called a nod.
"Well, this cannot be the way to Southshore, can it now." Carana sighed, and with that, he turned and walked down the road, attempting to find the town of Southshore, a final, desperate attempt to find his missing brother.
You suck!
Now, I'm sorry, your o.k. Besides, I am you.
You don't suck. You succeeded over the Syndicate, with the aid of your trusty Voidwalker. Good job. And, good hunting for Southshore.
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