Tuesday, September 29, 2009

World of Warcraft

The Carana Chronichles

Ark I

Assult on the Ravenholdte

Chapter IV

The people of Southshore were used to adventurers. The city was in a zone of conflict, so close to the Horde. However, they had not had a warlock come to the city for a long time. Which was why when the human warrior Dualis came into the town looking for Carana, he was immediately pointed towards the local Sanitarium. Many of the local crazy men stared enviously at Duilas and his shining plate armor. his large sword and shield. Some also screamed unintelligible gibberish at him. Carana was different.
Carana was laid back against the wall of his cell, staring straight forward at Duilas. Duilas slowly took off his helm and glanced at the man across from him.
"Well." Carana's words were harsh, falling like swords on the unprepared.
"Hello, I am Duilas of Lakeshire. Would you be willing to come with me?" Duilas replied, equally harsh. He had seen people who could easily manipulate, it was obvious.
"Depends. What's in it for me?" Carana asked.
"Anywhere is better than here, right?" Duilas replied, and then held up the keys.
Slightly into the Hillsbread Foothills, three others converged to the duo, another human, a blood elf, and a night elf.
"Hello, this is Carana, these a Carthith, Sedanaru, and Haladora." Duilas said, pointing to the human, blood elf, and night elf respectively.
"How do you do?" Haladora asked.
"Good." Carana said, still girdling his blade to his belt, as they set off.

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